PME Spring Spirit Wear Sale

Missed out on the Fall sale, or want to get a few more PME items for Spirit Fridays? Place your orders online before February 12!

Online Store

Welcome to the Pelican Marsh PTO

Come join the fun in supporting our school!

We are looking forward to another fun school year and working with all of you to support PME. For those of you who are new to the PTO, we are glad you’re here. Throughout the year, we will be communicating through email newsletter, this PTO website, and the PME PTO Facebook and Instagram page (Pelican Marsh PTO), so stay in touch by subscribing below and reach out to [email protected] with any questions!


Sign up to learn about upcoming PTO announcements and volunteer opportunities.


Welcome to the PME PTO! Be on the lookout for more information soon πŸ€—